In Electrolux Professional we have zero tolerance for corruption constantly work with building and maintaining trust and credibility with our customers, partners, employees, suppliers, shareholders, and other stakeholders.
The Electrolux Professional Code of Conduct is a fundamental part of our strategy and sets the tone for how we conduct business globally and serves as an introduction to our most important policies and principles. Our commitment to always comply with laws and our internal regulations is strong, and illegal or unethical behavior or actions by Electrolux Professional or any representative of company can undermine our long-standing reputation of honesty and integrity and it will not be tolerated.
- Employees can report a conduct that they believe, in good faith, to be a violation of laws or the Code of Conduct to their manager or in accordance with locally established procedure, as applicable. If the manager is involved in the situation or cannot or has not adequately addressed the concerns, employees are advised to report to a manager of higher rank or in accordance with locally established procedure.
- Violation and misconduct against the Code of Conduct or Group Policies may, in addition, be reported through the EthicsPoint web tool
- Suppliers, customers, and other business partners to Electrolux Professional, may report suspected violations of laws or the Code of Conduct through the EthicsPoint web tool.
Anyone reporting a violation shall, to the extent legally permissible, have the possibility to remain anonymous. Electrolux Professional will not accept any discrimination of or retaliation against individuals who report compliance concerns in good faith.
The EthicsPoint is hosted by a third-party provider.