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Debt financing

Electrolux Professional Group’s financial risk management aim to capitalize on economies of scale, synergy effects, and to minimize our operational risk.

Debt Structure

The Group use a mix of funding sources to finance our business. Currently our financing consists of bonds, commercial paper, and term loans. In addition, we have a syndicated back up facility of 200m EUR ensuring our debt and credit profile.

Key debt ratios

The Group´s ambition is to meet credit ratios equivalent to investment grade and leverage (Net Debt to EBITDA) shall be monitored and kept within 2.5x. Leverage may exceed this level temporarily from time to time, to finance acquisitions.

June 30, 2024

In total, net debt amounted to SEK 3,106m as of June 30, 2024, compared to SEK 1,390m as of December 31, 2023. Long-term borrowings amounted to SEK 2,030m. Short term borrowings amounted to SEK 1,476m. Total borrowings amounted to SEK 3,506m compared to SEK 1,963m as of December 31, 2023.

Net debt/EBITDA ratio


Maturity profile

June 30, 2024

Electrolux Professional Group has a term loan of SEK 600m with a tenure of seven years from 2020, a sustainability linked loan of EUR 60m with a tenure of seven years from 2021, a bridge loan linked to the acquistion of TOSEI of SEK 700m maturiting 2025, a commercial paper program with a framework amount of SEK 2,000m, a MTN programme with a framework amount of SEK 5,000m, and a revolving credit facility of EUR 200m with a tenure until 2027.

At the end of the second quarter, the Group had SEK 900m issued under its SEK 5,000m MTN programme and issuances under the Group’s SEK 2,000m commercial paper programme were SEK 570m. At the end of the quarter, the Group’s revolving credit facility of EUR 200m was unutilized. None of the loans and credit facilities contains any financial covenants.

Funding sources

Maturity profile

Loans Inital amount Outstanding Maturity, year
Term loan SEK 600m SEK 600m 2027
Sustainability linked loan EUR 60m EUR 60m 2028
Bridge loan SEK 1 600m SEK 700m 2025


Credit Facilities Committed Utilized Maturity, year
Revolving Credit Facility EUR 200m EUR 0m 2027


Debt Capital Markets Program size Outstanding
Commercial Paper SEK 2 000m SEK 570m
Bonds SEK 5 000m SEK 900m



For the issue of bonds in the Swedish debt capital markets, Electrolux Professional Group has a domestic Medium-Term Note (MTN) programme with a framework amount of SEK 5,000 million, which was established 2024.

Commercial paper

Electrolux Professional Group utilizes commercial paper for its short-term funding. The program has a framework amount of SEK 2,000 million, is registered with Euroclear and can be utilized in SEK or EUR. Commercial papers is issued with tenors of less than one year.

Established 2023
Framework amount SEK 2,000m
Maturity Max. one year
Governing Law Swedish
Arranger Danske Bank
IPA Danske Bank
Dealers Danske Bank, SEB
Clearing System Euroclear Sweden



Danske Bank
Behshad Shadvari, +46 (0)8-568 806 09,

Sekou Soumaoro, +46 (0)8 506 230 05,
Gabriel von Seth, +46 (0)8 506 231 73,

Treasury Contact

The central treasury function is responsible for the Group’s borrowing, liquidity management, currency and interest rate risk management, and serves as an internal bank for the Group’s financial transactions.

Paulo Kubis 2024

Paulo Kubis

Head of Treasury