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Enabling business by providing trust

A good, sustainable relationship with the stakeholders that are impacted by our business is key to delivering on our strategic targets. We demonstrate our commitment, and seek stakeholder trust, through several actions and procedures.

Electrolux Professional Group has signed the UN Global Compact and commits to its 10 principles regarding human rights, labor, anti-corruption, and the environment.

the global compact

Our Stakeholders

By seeking perspectives from diverse stakeholders, we gain a deeper understanding of different sustainability topics and their severity and likelihood. Open the boxes below to find out more about our identified stakeholders, and how we interact with them.

Our mission is to make our customers’ work-life easier, more profitable – and truly sustainable every day. This can only be accomplished through our greatest asset – our people.

A talented workforce is essential for the execution of the company strategy. We strive to attract and develop hard-working, curious, passionate and dedicated employees from diverse backgrounds.

By clearly stating the behaviors we want to see, we drive the company identity and culture. Our actions and decisions throughout the company should reflect and be aligned with our Guiding principles:

  • Be Customer obsessed
  • Build trust
  • Be bold
  • Act sustainably

Diverse and inclusive organization
We recognize and seek diversity in all its forms. It is paramount to our business success that we have a wide and diverse perspective on matters. An open, fair, and inclusive work environment will drive higher engagement and better growth and development for our employees.

A safe and healthy workplace
The Group Workplace Directive describes the minimum requirements for environmental and working conditions for all employees.

Easier work life, profitability, low consumption, and environmental footprint.

As a food, beverage, and laundry equipment provider we generally maintain long-standing relationships with our key customers and distributors.

To understand the customer´s requirements, the ongoing dialogues takes place during customer visits, requests for quotations, fairs and other events. We also do more systematic studies and measure the Net Promotor Score (NPS.

Our customer focus topics are:

• Quality
• Energy consumption and carbon footprint
• Total cost of ownership
• Reliability of the overall equipment system
• Ergonomics and human-centric design
• Enhanced hygiene requirements

Reduced risks and long-term value generation.

An ethical approach is a way of protecting our shareholders from risks or damage. We consider the integrity of our financial statements as essential to maintain trust among the shareholders. All our financial transactions must be recorded and accounted for according to applicable accounting principles set out in the Electrolux Professional Group Financial Manual.

We communicate through direct meetings, questions, ESG surveys, capital market days, and the Annual General Meeting where a dialog can take place. Our largest shareholder is also a member of the Board of Directors.

We expect our suppliers and business partners to adhere to the principles in our Code of Conduct and Group Workplace Policy, which similarly apply to our own operations. These policies are harmonized to fulfill demands in frameworks such as the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) core conventions and the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises.

Requirements on our suppliers are stipulated in our Supplier Workplace Standard. All suppliers must adhere to the requirements and adherence is controlled through acceptance, visits, self-assessments and audits.

Requirements on sales and service partners are stipulated in our Group Workplace Policy. All partners representing The Group must adhere to the requirements and adherence is controlled through agreements and visits.

Electrolux Professional Group is a signatory of UN Global Compact and we use the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a compass to contribute toward a more sustainable society. We have a global presence and apply the same high standards and principles of conduct globally: respect, diversity, integrity, ethics, safety and environmental protection.

Cooperation is essential to better understand the development and opportunities with regard to relevant sustainability issues. Electrolux Professional Group participates in co-operation projects, networks and forums that can generate value in our sustainability work.

To promote innovation through scientific excellence, we participate in a numerous co-funded national and international research projects, creating an arena for joint research projects.

Sustainability management

The Board of Directors decides on the strategy, direction, and overall targets of the Group’s sustainability work and the Group Management Team further defines and implements procedures.

The Group Sustainability function supports the business by identifying the prioritized and strategic sustainability issues and helps integrate them into the business. The function also monitors the overall performance through dialog, performance data, and audit results.

Read about the Sustainability governance, the board, and more in the Sustainability Report 2023






Sustainability report