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Non Regulatory Press releases

Another green leap for Electrolux Professional with the new state-of-the-art plant in Thailand

Electrolux Professional’s 18,000m2 new built factory in Rayong, Thailand, with new professional Laundry and Beverage solutions manufacturing lines is now fully operational. The new state-of-the-art factory will provide a better workplace, a higher business competitiveness, advanced logistics and with the ability to scale up for future expansion.

Today the new factory was officially inaugurated and blessed with a local Buddhist monk ceremony. The official opening ceremony was conducted with prominent guests present both live and virtually, and among the attendees was the Swedish ambassador to Thailand and Alberto Zanata, CEO of Electrolux Professional. Many of the 250 employees at the Rayong site attended the ceremony, but due to the pandemic restrictions in an area separated from the main event.

“The new Rayong Plant will be one of our three major global manufacturing sites. It is a state-of-the-art plant that has been planned and designed with new laboratories for future developments, a modern logistics set-up to better serve regional and global distribution as well as a scalable set-up to enable market opportunities to grow. It is just amazing to see what the team has managed to deliver, also considering the major part of the finalizing of this project happened in the midst of the pandemic restrictions,” says Carlo Mario Caroni, Global Head of Operations.

Safety first

In November 2019, the special ground-breaking ceremony marked the starting point for this impressive project, aiming at merging the Rayong and Crathco plants into one, combining the expertise of a central team in Italy and local team in Thailand. Together the teams succeeded in collaborating from a distance to get our new Rayong plant built during the pandemic and with more than 1 million hours without incidents – the Rayong new building project is a true safety success story.

State-of-the-art manufacturing

The merger of the two existing Electrolux Professional factories in Thailand – Professional Laundry and the Crathco Beverage site – enabled us to leave the existing plants.

In the planning phase of the build, emphasis was placed on addressing the environmental implications of manufacturing, improving the safety and wellbeing of employees and reducing the carbon footprint.

The new factory has a combination of natural ventilation and cool air injection, as well as 100% LED lighting throughout the factory, with the ambition to improve comfort for production workers.

The reuse of rainwater has been planned for and energy reduction solutions will account for 30% cost savings in the paint shop. The layout of the building also accommodates a roof for solar panel installation, already now supporting the factory with energy.

“It's hard to believe that our new factory here in Rayong – that was built largely during the pandemic in 2020 – is now completed, something that is very pleasing. When we today conducted the inauguration ceremony, and to see the results, it makes us all very proud of what we have achieved.” says Chris Dineen, Rayong Plant Manager and Managing Director of Electrolux Professional Thailand.

Electrolux Professional´s global manufacturing network

With the new plant in Rayong, Electrolux Professional have 11 manufacturing plants globally, in seven countries. The Rayong plant in Thailand is one of three major operations Hubs of the global manufacturing setup, with also the Ljungby, Sweden plant for Laundry solutions and the Vallenoncello plant in Italy for Food solutions. In addition, there are 8 smaller manufacturing plants in the US, France, Switzerland, China and Italy.

Media contact Jacob Broberg, Senior Vice President Investor Relations and Communications +46 70 190 00 33