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Non Regulatory Press releases

Electrolux Professional on the way to climate neutral operations by 2030

With a reported reduction of 36% of CO2 emissions since 2015, including acquired companies, and a 48% share of renewable energy use during 2020, Electrolux Professional is making strides towards becoming climate neutral in operations by 2030. Our very first Sustainability Report was recently released where we share our thoughts on key climate topics, our strategy and targets.

Sustainability is a key part of our strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations. We want our solutions and operations, today and tomorrow, to support a more sustainable world, and we use the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as our compass for contributing to a better society.

Climate neutral operations by 2030
Recognizing the importance of taking action to mitigate climate change we support the ambitions of the Paris Agreement. Consequently, we have an ambitious overarching target to become climate neutral in our own operations by 2030.

To support the UN Sustainable Development Goals on Climate action and Clean and affordable energy, we believe that we can make a differ­ence throughout our value chain by developing energy-efficient products and working with energy-efficiency in our operations through the following main actions:

  • Develop more energy-efficient and low-con­suming products
  • Substitution of HFC gases
  • Use material and resources in an efficient way
  • Drive energy-efficiency initiatives in plants
  • ISO 50001 certificates in our three largest plants
  • Active support to switch to re­newable electricity
  • Avoid investments in fossil fuel applications

Increased share of renewable energy
Energy-efficiency is measured as reduction of energy consumption per standard unit produced. In 2016-2019 we improved our energy efficiency. During the first quarter of 2020 we were below the 2020 year-end target, but during the latter part of 2020 we were not able to compensate for the huge volume drop caused by pandemic as parts of energy con­sumption are more fixed than variable.

Electrolux Professional will continue to increase its share of renewable energy where we are currently operating with a 48% share of renewable energy. We have installed solar panels in three of our sites including our new factory in Rayong that opened this year.

Waste recovery is also an important part of the sustainability work and 92% of non-hazardous waste was recovered during 2020. 84% of the non-hazardous waste generated is recycled, while 8% goes to energy recovery, and 8% goes to landfill or incineration without energy recovery.

Niklas Lindsköld, Head of Sustainability comments: “In parallel to the climate neutral target for our operations, we are determined to continue developing low resource-consuming products to reduce the impact from the product-use phase in terms of energy, water, and detergents. This is good for both our customers’ running costs as well as for our planet.”

Electrolux Professional´s sustainability targets
Electrolux Professional’s 2025 sustainability targets focus on climate, health & safety, and diversity. Read more in our Electrolux Professional Sustainability Report 2020.

The overall ambition is to become climate neutral within industrial operations by 2030 and reduce scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by at least 50% until 2025 (base 2015). In addition, we have the following targets:

  • Lost time injury rate below 0.3 measured by work related accidents per 200,000 worked hours by 2025
  • Gender diversity of 40/60 in all managerial positions within the company by 2030


For further information, please contact Jacob Broberg, Senior Vice President Investor Relations and Communications +46 70 190 00 33