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The Professionals: Laura Solis Rejas, Logistics Engineer

In her role, Laura oversees the smooth, safe and efficient flow of incoming and outgoing items at our warehouse in Ljungby, Sweden.

laura-solis-1With thousands of products and materials flowing in and being shipped out every month, it’s Laura’s job to track and ensure they get to their final destination in a safe and timely manner.

Having joined the company in 2022, the world of logistics is a field that Laura fell into by chance but an area of expertise where she intends to build her career on from here.

Your role is Logistics Engineer, Industrial Operations Competence Center and you’re based in Ljungby, Sweden. Tell us what your job title really entails!

I work closely with the team leader and warehouse manager, mainly overseeing the safety pillar and focused improvements within logistics. We concentrate on how we can improve in terms of productivity, quality, safety and our systems.

There’s no typical day or working week in this role – the range of topics you have to cover is varied. The team is fantastic and always open to suggestions and new ideas, for example, part of my role is to implement improvements suggested by operators.

What route did you take in terms of studies and jobs to where you are today?

I actually completed my Bachelor´s degree in Tourism – so totally different than logistics and supply chain! After graduating, I happened to land a job in my home city of Barcelona at an intralogistics company – where I stayed for almost 6 years – and which worked extensively in modular and automated warehouse solutions.

I started in the back-office sales team and moved to Purchasing & Logistics soon after, acquiring both experience and education in Supply Chain management. After building my experience in the field and enjoying it, I decided this was the field where I want to build my career.

What do you love about the role?

The synergy and the collaboration within the team; everyone in the warehouse are professionals in what they do, and many have been working in the company for decades. The opportunities for improvement are created due to the participation and cooperation of the team, and that’s my favourite part of the role.


And, on the other hand, what are the biggest challenges?

Sometimes it can be challenging to work on relevant changes which require the collaboration of several departments; it´s a big organization and you need experience to know how to move in within the company.

What advice would you give to people wanting to work in a position like yours?

Gain as much as experience in the operational part of logistics, since there are many simultaneous processes automated warehouse and it’s beneficial to learn about coordination and the various systems involved.

As a person, you need to enjoy investigating and solving – the solution is rarely evident so you need to ask around to get to the root cause of an issue. It’s important to be very proactive and easily adapt to working with wide range of people, from operators to managers.

How would you like to develop further in your role or potentially do something completely different?

I would like to keep strengthening my experience in logistics both in terms of learning and in experience. Since the future of logistics is automation, I am thinking to perhaps focus on logistics systems software development but that’s for later on – right now I am where I want to be.

Why choose to work at Electrolux Professional Group?

I knew about the company before moving to Sweden and since I knew I was going to move to Ljungby, it was kind of my aim to get employed here. I have been used to working in a multinational environment and enjoy the opportunities that brings. I even talked to Human Resources some months before moving and discovered good references about the organization. Am still relatively new here and I have colleagues with a lot of experience to learn from.

Check out our global career site, if you aspire to pursue a career similar to Laura’s.